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Rødvedt senter


Rødvedt senter

The draft proposal for the development of Sletteløkka 44 in Oslo presents an exciting opportunity for a diverse and content-rich building. Located close to National Highway 4 and Rødtvedtt railway station, the square plot has considerable potential, with a utilization rate of 250 per cent, corresponding to approximately 42,000 square meters of usable area.

Our proposal, sent to the planning department as part of the developer's statement for an indicative plan (VPOR), emphasizes the location of a large common area in the middle of the building.

The concept for this common area has been developed to promote cohesion and urban activities, inspired by the diverse local community that characterizes the area.

Around this common area, we have integrated different functions, including housing, hotels, commercial premises and a nursery, to reflect the living and multifaceted environment.

Our approach involves careful analysis of factors such as noise, solar conditions, height of neighboring buildings, blue-green factors and proximity to public transport, to ensure a holistic and environmentally conscious development that fits into the existing community and its needs.

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