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Ny skole på Vestsida


Ny skole på Vestsida

Altiplan led a task team in Øygarden municipality to analyze seven potential sites for a new primary school in Sotra. We received from the client a list of the municipality's selected areas and carried out extensive inspections and analyses. 

Our approach included photography, mapping, and analysis of around 20 different factors, such as demographics, traffic, road conditions, infrastructure, regulatory purposes, design, as well as costs related to processing the plots. To ensure a comprehensive approach, we also engaged leading subcontractors in the fields of noise, electricity, water and drainage, landscape and traffic to carry out reports and analyzes for each of the seven plots.

Our in-depth analysis resulted in one plot being unanimously ranked by the politicians as number one, despite not being the most cost-effective to cultivate. This choice underlines the municipality's dedication to investing in a sustainable future and development of the local community. Altiplan is proud to have contributed to a thorough assessment of the alternatives and looks forward to the continuation of this important project.

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